Thursday, July 23, 2009

TANGO- Illustration Friday

TANGO-One dance which involved 'Xtra- Flexible' women..n I always wondered why...well..this is my illustration for the topic..of looking at things in a different way.. :)

Monday, July 13, 2009

ILLUSTRATION Assignment 1 (iii)

The last part of the assignment where we had to visualize the character in a totally different context. Abhisaar is exploring the streets of Teen Darwaza (Old City of Ahmedabad) as a Tourist.

ILLUSTRATION Assignment 1 (ii)

This followed the previous assignment and dealt with the creation of a poster promoting the characteristics of the paired partner after having interacted and getting to know his/her background.
My poster attempted to speak a 'tech' and a 'digital' language to best picturize Abhisaar's character.

ILLUSTRATION Assignment 1 (i)

A series of assignments dealing with random pairs analyzing their partners and deriving a character out of their own study as a part of the course of Illustration Graphic Design Semester III. (Sept 2008)

As the first part of the assignment, this post deals with relating an animal to the respective partner and hence representing the transition in three stages. I related my partner, Abhisaar Rastogi, to a Hamster, taking both physical and characteristic aspects into account.